Video Information


  • Member: TritioAFB
  • Studio: Samurai Warriors Productions
  • Title: I knew you were Psycho
  • Premiered: 2017-01-10
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Bart Baker I knew you were trouble PARODY
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments:

    Sup sons of Pepes

    In the past I found hilarious some memes about Taylor specially after watching the official Blank Space video. But never found the inspiration of making a parody about her until I met Bart Baker... channel. Which can be found here:

    Ironically I discarded this idea before taking a look to his channel, then found myself with a Taylor Swift Parodies PlayList. Another funny fact is that this one wasnt originally chosen to be edited, but after watching all of them, I liked the concept of this one.

    Back to the video:

    I wouldnt call this a 'Crossover' since it wasnt intended to be that in the first place. But you cant make a parody like this with just one serie using an anime with only 3 characters, so I had to mix with other sources. You'll notice the amv isnt 100% anime, but it also features many guests. One of them is Chabelo

    This is the first time that a video takes me more than 5 months to finish since this video started back in july, 2016, but due many personal experiences, I couldnt save time until october-december, 2016.

    This video includes several references to memes and situations, so if you're new to Internet I dont recommend you watching this video

    Special thanks to Ikore, VovanKoperativ, MrGafudo, kireblue and Reyzen for the help in this video.

    Me quedare esperando a ver como reacciona la audiencia

    Pd. I wanted to make one of the Justin Bieber videos, probably when I quit editing I will.
    Pd2. I will take a rest now so it's all up to the rest of ZonaAMV and Iron Team
    Pd.3 Leolide brought the weed to make this video

    Copy & Paste FTW

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