> Guide Index


The AMVapp is basically just a package containing most of the software used in these guides. Because we use a lot of different software, it could be very time consuming to track it all down individually. Also, by using AMVapp, you ensure that you have the same versions of the software that are used in the guides. I will try to keep the AMVapp reasonably up to date.

Previous versions of the AMVapp contained one installer that installed EVERYTHING. While this had some advantages, it also had a lot of disadvantages. The primary disadvantage being that it was really hard to update and maintain. So for that reason, the AMVapp is now simply a zip file containing everything. Unfortunately, this means you will have to install each item individually, but it shouldn't take too long!

Downloading AMVapp

AMVapp can be downloaded right here: AMVapp 3.1, 2010-10-05 (20MB)

Unpacking the AMVapp

After downloading the AMVapp from the link above, you should open it and see a whole bunch of files inside. Each of these is an installer for a component of the AMVapp. Don't just go installing them randomly though, because some of them may need to be installed before others. You may not even need many of the applications. I'll give you a rundown of what each thing does below.

If you have installed a previous version of the AMVapp, or any of the individual applications contained in it, then I highly recommend that you uninstall all of it before you begin!

DVDfab HD Decrypter

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: NOT included in AMVapp, so go download it from the official site!
You should install it if: You plan to rip your own DVDs or BluRays.
Installation Instructions: It is safe to uncheck the "VSO Burning Engine" option, as its not required. When it asks you which product version to install, choose the one that says "Free Edition".

AviSynth 2.5.8

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: Avisynth_258.exe
You should install it if: AviSynth is one of the core applications that everyone should install. Other software may rely on it, and besides that it is incredibly useful. You should definitely install it.

AviSynth Plugin Pack

Alternate Download: (download this if you want to install the plugins manually)
Filename in AMVapp:
Requirements: Requires AviSynth to be installed.
You should install it if: This is a collection of AviSynth plugins and functions that I have put together for this guide. There are so many things included that it would take a lot of time and effort for you to track them all down individually. Some of the included functions cannot be found elsewhere. Definitely install it.
Installation Instructions: If you already have other AviSynth plugins installed, then I highly recommend you remove them and start over from a fresh new installation of AviSynth, because otherwise conflicts may occur between your existing plugins and the plugins contained in this pack. If you don't want to lose your existing plugins, you can move them to a different folder and then copy them back later, as needed. Otherwise, the installation process should be straightforward.

AvsPmod 2.0.5

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: AvsPmod_205.exe
Requirements: Requires AviSynth to be installed.
You should install it if: This is an editor for AviSynth scripts which makes working with AviSynth much easier and faster. It is highly recommended, but not required.

DGMPGDec 1.5.8

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: DGMPGDec158.exe
Requirements: Requires AviSynth to be installed.
You should install it if: If you want to use video footage from DVDs, you will need this.

VirtualDub 1.9.10

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: VirtualDub_1910.exe
You should install it if: This is a very handy tool for viewing and compressing AVI files. Highly recommended.

Xvid 1.2.1

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: Xvid-1.2.1-04122008.exe
You should install it if: Only necessary if you want to compress your AMV with the Xvid codec. Kind of outdated these days, and not really necessary.
Installation Instructions: When installing, I recommend unchecking the box labeled "Decode all supported FourCCs".

UTvideo 8.2.0

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp:
utvideo-8.2.0-x86.msi & utvideo-8.2.0-x64.msi
You should install it if: This is a lossless codec. You should install at least one. This is the recommended one.
Installation Instructions: First install utvideo-8.2.0-x86.msi. Then, if you are using a 64-bit version of windows, then you should also install utvideo-8.2.0-x64.msi.

Huffyuv 2.1.1

Filename in AMVapp: HuffyuvSetup.exe
You should install it if: This is a lossless codec. You should install at least one. UTvideo is better, so this isn't really necessary.

Lagarith 1.3.19

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: LagarithSetup_1319.exe
You should install it if: This is a lossless codec. You should install at least one. I recommend UTvideo instead.

Lame ACM Codec 3.98.2

Filename in AMVapp: LameACMsetup.exe
You should install it if: This lets you compress audio to the MP3 format from within VirtualDub. Only really needed if you plan to encode your videos with the Xvid codec. Not really necessary these days.

Zarx264gui 1.33

Official Website:
Filename in AMVapp: Zarx264gui_133.exe
Requirements: Requires AviSynth to be installed. Also requires Microsoft .Net framework. If you have Microsoft Vista or higher, you already have this framework. If you are using XP however, you may need to install it. The best way to check whether or not you have it is to install Zarx264gui and see if it works. If the application wont start, then you don't have the .Net framework. .Net can be downloaded from here.
You should install it if: You want to easily compress your video to MP4 with the x264 codec. Highly recommended.

Adobe Premiere AVS Plugin

Filename in AMVapp: PremiereAVSPlugin-v1.95a.exe
Requirements: Requires AviSynth be installed. Requires Adobe Premiere 5.x/6.x or a version of Adobe Premiere Pro BELOW CS5, or Adobe After Effects CS3 or later. It may work with with Premiere Elements, maybe not.
You should install it if: If you use a supported version of Adobe Premiere or After Effects and would like to load AviSynth scripts directly into it, then get this. Otherwise you should skip it.
Installation Instructions: The installer should automatically find your plugins folder if you have a compatable application.

After installing, it will ask you if you would like to configure the plugin. You can choose No for now, as we will be covering those options later on in this guide.

Pismo File Mount & AviSynth Virtual File System

Filename in AMVapp: pfmap-159.exe & AVFS_setup.exe
Requirements: Requires AviSynth be installed.
You should install it if: These will let you open AviSynth scripts in any application that accepts AVI Files. Handy, but not required. Useful if you want to load AVS script into editing applications other than Premiere.
Installation Instructions: First, install Pismo File Mount (pfmap-159.exe). Next, run AVFS_setup.exe to install the AviSynth Virtual File System.