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Post by Kusoyaro » Tue Oct 01, 2002 10:21 am

Machine wrote: Since its him and Hsien for Iron Chef next year (UK vs US) that Absinthe would work wonders as a secert ingredient for both of them.
I was sooo curious to try some of that, but my company has a strict drug-free policy, and I wasn't sure if it would show up on any drug tests. Ian, fucking awesome guy that he is, actually did some research for me to see if I could get away with it, but I was still wary. And hours before Joe tried it, he remembered that he was getting tested for drugs for his new job :)

Nathan tried to goad me into having some during Iron Chef, and had I been as wasted as I had been last year, I probably would have downed the whole glass :D
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Post by Hitori » Tue Oct 01, 2002 10:22 am

*Starts Saving Up My Pennies*

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Post by StudioKZ » Tue Oct 01, 2002 10:36 am

Yes, thank you to whomever for telling me *AFTERWARDS* that it was an illegal(in the US) psychotropic drug in the same family as marijuana... It was pretty good though (*Despite my -like EK's- total and absolute dislike for anything licorice*).

I'd tell my Puke story, but first off, none of the females on the board would ever talk to me again, and secondly, I don't recall much about Thursday night after Hsien, Joe, Jason and Brad stopped drinking (other than the fact that Nate and I didn't.) Suffice to say I puked in some guy whom I had never met's room and went across the hall to my own, Leaving Nate and company to their own devices.

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Post by Adiamante » Tue Oct 01, 2002 10:50 am

It was fun being the designated driver, everyone puking all around you. Doing random things that make absolutely no sense. And you(being me) the only one with all your faculties intact :lol:

Anyway it was a great con. I personally had alot of fun meeting people.

I'm sure I will post more once I can get all my thoughts organized
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Post by Red Wolf » Tue Oct 01, 2002 11:37 am

Adiamante wrote:It was fun being the designated driver, everyone puking all around you. Doing random things that make absolutely no sense. And you(being me) the only one with all your faculties intact :lol:
The fun part is when you spontaniously become a DD. I ended up getting asked by the VAT staff to drive a not so sober staffer to the store for more VAT booze during the Iron Chef contest. Luckily he wasn't plastered...I just got my car a week ago that day :P

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Post by Nightowl » Tue Oct 01, 2002 11:40 am

I would absolutely love to throw in some amusing stories (of which there are many) from AWA... and yes, it was a blast this year, as far as I can recall... but... most of the weekend is a blur between Thurs. and Sun. I've heard a number of stories I seem to have been involved with, but other than that, I was... yeah... and I absolutely do not remember that line, EK, but I laughed when I read it : )

Needless to say, I had an incredible time, and I'm sure as I continue to sleep it off (and eventually return home, as I'm still in Atlanta hanging out with StudioKZ) I will begin to remember more and more. I hope... for now, I'm afraid to say a goddamned thing. So tired... back to sleep...


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Big Big Truck
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Post by Big Big Truck » Tue Oct 01, 2002 12:20 pm

Nightowl: Scott has a great photo of you getting the Ninja Poke of Death in his attack photo collection. I'll email you the URL if you want 8)
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Post by paizuri » Tue Oct 01, 2002 12:22 pm

jescaflowne wrote:Someone had aspirin on them - whoever you are THANK YOU! That helped a ton. And by the time the Pro award peeps had to take to the stage I was able to stand without assistance.
That was Hsien's aspirin by the way...Fuck me for not thinking of getting some from the hotel lobby in the morning. A shepherd has to take care of his sheep after all. :?

I don't have any AWA puke stories to tell though. Well, not *this* year at any rate. :wink:

But how about kissing stories? Like that time that Jason and I...

Oops, look at the time, gotta go! :D
My favorite video: Grilled Steak Trigun I LOVE THE COPS! Rargh!
I ain't 2 proud 2 beg! haha school rumble is great
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Post by Hitori » Tue Oct 01, 2002 12:26 pm


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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Tue Oct 01, 2002 1:02 pm

All I can say is - you guys are such lightweights :P

(p.s. green fairy fans can now order internationally from here - the one I had was La Fee Absinthe)

I had a great time - just ditto everything said above except I don't have any puke stories, natch ^^

See you next year :)


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