Your Life Story

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by Shinzui IT » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:08 pm

TritioAFB wrote:Also it was the studio when I first met people like the PrincessKairy, or [key]scarlet known here, narutofan2007, gregz (although we met even before the studio, I can say I really started to know him better in it), narutokun645 and many of the youtubers of the 2007-2009 era
Oh, I think I knew that one
995Gabber wrote:
TheInvisibleBlackxX wrote:You are still mentioned in the honourable members list by the way :bzz: :bzz: :asd: :bzz2: :bzz2:
*checks the forum* Ho-ree mother D: So you're FarmStudios *-*
:uhoh: Whaa? you didn't know?

FarmXD = FarmStudios :up:

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by FarmXD » Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:44 am

People please, thank you xD BUt this is not a topic about me (I deserve one anyway)

Let's just keep reading the awesome stories of the others :D Nobody is
telling stories, c'mon!

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by JaddziaDax » Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:19 pm

How you got into AMVs:
A friend of mine back in 2000 said "you gotta see this, it's a new art thing, called amvs... i bet i could see you get into this and actually be pretty good at it one day". My response: "no probably not, too much work"
How you came up with your screen name:
Favorite female character on Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Screen name created back in the days of AOL being afraid of copyright issues with screen names so I misspelled it. Been using it ever since.
How you discovered the Org:
Back in 2000.... friend... said.... I knew about this site, just never came until I actually made a video myself...
Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc...
My studio is so elite I'm the only member... Been considering joining Divine Illusion Productions considering I kind of named it and Scoob has been willing to let me use his server :)
Favorite genre to edit and why:
Sentimental/romance or character profiles... I enjoy characters and usually when I hear a song it reminds me of ______.
Favorite newbie mistake you've made:
Using fansubs and Windows Movie Maker - I thought it was okay to use both since so many other people used them so I should be fine.
First contest experience:
Scoob and Jade_eyed_angel convinced me to join their little online contest... I didn't win, but it was fun meeting new people. First convention contest was A-kon 2006 - they had so many technical issues my video came out in black and white and made everyone's ears bleed D:
Best experience you've had thus far with the community:
Meeting Fay-Sa, Scoob, and Jade_eyed_angel.. they have become some of my best friends <3
Worst experience with the community:
Probably drama that I don't want to talk about that involved specific multi-editor projects (yes that's multiple projects, not just one) and the really lame drama centering around judging a specific contest. You people are so much drama... geeze :P
Why you edit:
Because it's faster for me to do a project than for me to ask someone else to do it.
Future goals:
I wanna push myself to edit more, but I kinda feel like I've dropped out on editing a lot. Not sure why I'm not motivated but I feel like I'm lacking ideas.

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AMV Editing (reggie)

Post by ReggieSmalls » Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:59 pm

How you got into AMVs:
I first found out about AMV's in middle school downloading Dragon Ball Z Linkin Park Vegeta Tribute videos. Then around 2007 I got back into watch AMV's again.

How you came up with your screen name:
The first time I was in a skype call with DZ Studios my boy Joey said I sounded like Biggie Smalls to him and everyone else in the call agreed so I was named ReggieSmalls. Meanwhile I already had a username MonkeyKingGhost on youtube. With that name I always went by MonkeyKing for a long time on different forums but when I tried to get the name on youtube it was already taken to I add "Ghost" because it was one of my nicknames I had from around the way. So thats how I got the name MonkeyKingGhost.

How you discovered the Org:
A few of the editors I know from youtube told me about the org but it was more in the light of don't go to the org those people are assholes.

Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc... (If you're not in a studio, say why :P)
Around late 2009 I started hanging out with DZ and friends on skype almost everyday and everyone was nice enough to give me advice. At then time I was working on a Wu-Tang Clan video with
Akira. When the video was finally done Joey told me I had the potential of being a good editor and he asked me to join and I did.

Favorite genre to edit and why:
Rap/Hip Hop - Action

Once I got into the hobby a lot of the guys I know on youtube were making rap videos, for a long time I was just watching rap videos so when I finally started editing it was what I lean towards. Plus being a huge hip hop fan helpped.

Favorite newbie mistake you've made: (Give us a good cringe-worthy one!)
Project Org Editor, man if I didn't drop the ball on every level with that contest. Shitty masking and the way I went about editing my videos at the time. I haven't felt that embarrassed in that way in a long time. People tore my videos apart the comments but I had it coming lol.

First contest experience:
The first time I entered a video for a contest was 2010 and I sent in my Take A Break video and I won Best Action at Animazement 2010 AMV Contest. Since then I been losing all the time, it's hard out there for a pimp.

Best experience you've had thus far with the community:
I love meeting the people here, I know this place gets a lot of hate but once you meet these people beyond the forum everyone for the most part are good people. I have made some great friends here who are damn near family to my now. Even if I walked away from the hobby I couldn't stop hanging with the people.

Worst experience with the community:
Nothing to big but every now and then someone will get uppity and you just wanna pop them in the mouth sometimes but thats just me.

Why you edit: (If you don't edit anymore, explain yo'self!)
I been wanting to edit for a long time and to be able to do it now it great. I have a lot of fun editing, real talk I don't know where I would be if I wasn't spending editing. Most likely still around the way getting myself into trouble.

Future goals: (Editing, non-editing, whatevers)
Hobby wise I just wanna keep things going as they are now, keep punching out videos. Beyond that I also wanna make it as an editor so I can finally get out the dishroom.
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Re: Your Life Story

Post by Hereticked » Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:50 pm

How you got into AMVs:

I started seeing AMVs pop up in file sharing programs like Kazaa in 1999. I had gotten into anime a couple years before and was searching for other shows to watch when I started running across random AMVs in my searches. I've been watching AMVs ever since, but a busy IT career prevented me from getting into editing until 2007.

How you came up with your screen name:

In my younger days I was eager to debate / argue / rage against just about anyone on any topic that caught my interest, but especially on religion. As a militant atheist who loved engaging in epic flame wars "Heretic" and "ticked" seemed like the perfect play on words to become my moniker. I've calmed down a lot over the years, but the handle is still with me. :twisted:

How you discovered the Org:

After seeing all those random AMVs in various file sharing programs, a simple web search brought me to the Org. The org was quite helpful in those early days before YouTube and search engines with advanced algorithms. I would even make cds/dvds of my favorite new videos and share them with friends and fellow anime fans IRL to help spread the word and get people interested in the subculture. :o

Tell me about your studio:

Not much to tell, really. I'm a one man studio and it's been that way since I started editing. "Meteor Death" is what I wish on the world most days, so that seemed like a good name. I've never invited anyone else to join, but there's a few younger editors whose work I dig and I may ask if they're interested in joining, eventually.

Favorite genre to edit and why:

Action to Rock / Metal is my staple, although Horror AMVs are a close second.

Favorite newbie mistake you've made:

I didn't take the time to learn AviSynth when I got started (I was too eager to get to the actual editing) so my first two videos were not de-interlaced or cleaned up. I did utilize the de-interlacing feature of the editing program I was using at the time (in post) but it never worked properly, and those first two videos have poor video quality as a result.

First contest experience:

I actually just entered some contests for the first time this year. I've won three awards so far, including two Best Action awards, so I'm pretty happy. 8-)

Best experience you've had thus far with the community:

I've gotten a few complimentary and constructive opinions written for my videos over the years by complete strangers. Always a nice surprise! :beer:

Worst experience with the community:

About half of my videos have been ineligible to be hosted on the Org, either due to graphic content or because the source I used wasn't "officially" an anime. I understand the potential legal reasons for the former, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. The first three videos I made were all inelligble, and that left an especially bad taste in my mouth. That may seem like a small thing, but it's not when you're new to editing and you want to share your work with your peers. As a result, I spent more time forming communities with editors on other sites and never really found a home here. To be honest, I don't know if it would have made a huge difference even if this hadn't been the case, as both the style of editing I enjoy and the type of anime I enjoy seem to have fallen out of favor in the last 7-8 years.

Why you edit:

I'm strongly left brain, so visual creativity does not come easily to me, but I find editing to be a fun creative outlet. I won't even begin a project until I have a song and anime that I feel absolutely belong together and I've allowed that idea to stew in my mind for at least a few weeks. For me, it's about creating harmony; not just visually, but conceptually. I want the music and the video source to have a unified theme. Sitting on a good, developing idea for a while and then executing that concept into a watchable reality is what brings me j 0 y |:>

Future goals:

I'll keep editing as long as I find it fun and fulfilling.

I'm also a writer with a successful erotica series. (Managing two creative hobbies with fanbases that keep asking for more is tough!) I'm always worried that I'll have to choose between my writing and editing, but I never do. I've been working on a screenplay for the last year and a half and I'd really like to get that done in the near future.

I've got a good job and will soon be married to the woman of my dreams, so those angles are covered. Maybe travel a bit? :D

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by Prince_Majin_Trunks » Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:44 pm

How you got into AMVs:
Back to 2000 I was surfing the net for anything Dragon Ball Z related and came across a website called "The Super Saiyan Ghetto". Somehow or another I stumbled into their Music Video section and found Super Android 17 video set to the song "The Great American Sharpshooter" by Less Than Jake. I was INSTANTLY hooked and had to find more videos! So I scoured the net for Dragon Ball Z music videos and eventually stumbled onto three video editors and their respective websites that found there way to the top of my favorites list: Danny Poo of, Neo Gohan of and Majin Mebs of Majin Planet. I became obsessed with these videos and spent countless hours trying to figure out how I could make these things. (The simple concept of e-mailing them to ask never once occurred to me.) There was even one ridiculously long (and embarrassing) experiment using Microsoft Power Point as a make shift editing rig. Finally I stumbled upon the sister site to Majin Meb's Majin Planet... Corrupted Avatars Saiyan Thunder. He had tutorials on how to use Adobe Premiere and the rest was history.

How you came up with your screen name:
In late 2000 I had created my first website, Vegeta's DBZ RPG. It was a roll playing game based in AOL chat rooms and the character I played was Future Trunks. The guy who played Brolly in the RPG would always refer to my character as "Prince Trunks," which got very annoying very quickly. Well at one point or another the story in the RPG developed that I had "turned to to the dark side", so to speak, and became a Majin. Thus Prince Majin Trunks was born. I didn't necessarily like the name, but it stuck.

How you discovered the Org:
I actually don't remember exactly how I discovered the Org. If I had to guess I would say it was the fault of Z? aka "Hot Ice Hilda" or HIH for short back on the old Majin Planet Forums ( days). He was sorta of the Anime Music Video snob on a form full of DBZ Music Video creators (I say this of course in a loving way should he stumble upon this post.) I could very easily picture him have pointing out videos from as a way to prove one point or another.

Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc... (If you're not in a studio, say why :P)
I'm currently not associated with a studio as I haven't made a Music Video since late 2008. My first two "studios" were really nothing more then the websites I was associated with, Trunks Hope and Majin Planet. While there is a back story, the reality is the back story focuses more on the individual websites than with the world of AMVs. So in turn I will tell you about the first "real" studio I was a part of... Cryptic Aura Studios. In either late 2005 or early 2006 (my memory is a little foggy), after I had shut down Majin Planet, myself and Breeman decided it would be a fun idea to create our own studio. I created the website, and we got our videos online.. but we weren't really a team. It was more just a new website featuring videos. Then along came DaCoolGohan and changed the hole dynamic. He was the backbone of the group, and the only one of us producing consistently. Eventually we added Turunkusu and The Fungus to the group to round it off. Cryptic Aura Studios is long since gone however.

Favorite genre to edit and why:
I'm going to go with short, action videos. A) They are more fun. B) I'm lazy and long action videos are too much work. Lol. Though, I feel I've had more success (if you can call anything I've made successful while keeping a straight face) with slower paced, more story driven videos.

Favorite newbie mistake you've made: (Give us a good cringe-worthy one!)
The way I completely ruined the encode of Majin Mebs' first non-DBZ music video. After a exhaustively long hiatus from anything related to making music videos, Majin Mebs was set to make his epic return to Majin Planet. A long with that, he produced his first non-DBZ AMV (or MVID if your from the Majin Planet side of the world) ever. The video was My Angel set to the series Cowboy Bebop to a song by Massive Attack. He sent me the uncompressed, perfect DVD qualify version of the video and asked me to encode it for him and get it online. However up to this point every video I had put online was using the classic Real Media format. I knew with this video it was time for a change, but I didn't know how. Long story short a great video ended up with the quality being ruined by somehow trying to encode it who didn't know how. I would since learn, but I still regret not handing the thing over to DcDeveloperX or Xnod and asking them to do it for me. I think if it were a higher quality, the video would of made a bigger impact. Regardless, that was Majin Mebs' last video.

First contest experience:
Majin Planet's first Fight Club. The same legendary Fight Club that saw "Set Aside The Pride" by Danny Poo just barley edge out "What You Got" by Neo Gohan in the finals of the competition. I didn't make it in the contest. Rightfully so, I absolutely sucked back then. Though, one could argue that I always sucked lol. Regardless I worked for months on that video, trying to make something that would be good enough to be featured on my favorite site. When the deadline came, I sent in my video. I would later find out that Corrupted Avatar (the man behind the Fight Club competition) never saw the video. When he went to download it, the bandwidth on the server I had it on had been exceeded... I never had a chance anyways. In retrospect it's probably a good thing he never saw that video.

Best experience you've had thus far with the community:
I've made some great friends in both the AMV community as well as the Anime Web Community at large over the years. The editing part is fun, as were the websites, but the people are what I remember from all of it.

Worst experience with the community:
Like anything in life, at some point it all becomes a popularity contest. That's all I'll say on the subject.

Why you edit: (If you don't edit anymore, explain yo'self!)
I stopped editing back in late 2008. Though, not on purpose. Life got in the way. I got a job, I finally got promoted to Shift Manager... then Assistant Manager... then Store Manager... now I'm an Assistant District Manger. I've been so focused on work that before I knew it more than five years have passed. When I did edit, I did it for different reasons at different times. Sometimes for fun, sometimes for the comradery with other editors, sometimes to challenge myself, sometimes to prove a point.

Future goals: (Editing, non-editing, whatevers)
To enjoy life.

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by PieandBeer » Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:40 pm

How you got into AMVs:
Youtube (I think Skittles?) followed by the Anime Boston AMV contest. I then attempted to make amvs with blown up naruto gifs and my chemical romance songs in windows movie maker in middle school. I'm not proud.
sophomore year of high school i got a copy of vegas and edited like one or two real videos a year (like 90% of them being to FLCL). i didn't really start editing regularly/improving/editing things that weren't FLCL until like last fall.
How you came up with your screen name:
I jumped around a ton before settling on this one. My favorite word in the english language is pioneer but pioneeramv sounds waaay too like smug for someone who doesn't actually do anything pioneering (straight cuts all day all night woo!). I just went with something that rhymed
>__> i don't even like beer.
How you discovered the Org:
Most likely through a youtube comment @__@ like forever ago. didn't even make an account though xD
I just became more active >_> i've been avoiding this place for a while until i felt more confident in my editing
Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc... (If you're not in a studio, say why :P)
not in one D: what do studios even do? i bully keiichiface into editing and make her beta my videos, does that count? are studios like gangs? do i have to kill someone to get initiated? what if i already have? does it still count?
Favorite genre to edit and why:
ahhhhh i want to say drama because i'm such an emotional pile of goo but now like everything i want to make is more action >_> i just really like sync and editing to fast songs, yo
Favorite newbie mistake you've made: (Give us a good cringe-worthy one!)
aside from the naruto gifs, looking back on my old youtube vids, it looks like it took me a while to understand that i needed to have it set to progressive scan before i rendered. i actually still don't know how to properly like export or anything i've just been faking it and it seems like its been working. i slap my hands against my keyboard and a video comes out >_>
First contest experience:
seeing a contest or being in the finals? O: i'll go with the second!
i used to only submit to otakon and anime boston because i thought i was the shit and didn't believe other contests existed >_>
but then I happened to finish a vid right before youmacon 2012's deadline and thought like "what the heck?"
i ended up getting into the finals (first time!!) and winning an award and like holy crap that was the greatest feeling. now i'm addicted to it. *__*
the first time i actually saw my video in a contest was AB 2013 which was the most nervewracking like 3 minutes of my life i don't even remember it like i was up against radioakshun and shoot me! in my category that's not even fair xD
Best experience you've had thus far with the community:
i guess the people i talk to online are pretty cool sometimes i guess. i've met like three editors in real life. i don't think i'm like involved in the community enough to properly answer this xD you people are scary.
Worst experience with the community:
haven't really had any~ but i have had some dick-ish youtube commenters >:T
Why you edit: (If you don't edit anymore, explain yo'self!)
ahhhh i really like matching visuals to music like i don't even know. music like needs a visual element for me to appreciate it fully. i really also like anime so it just kind of meshes into an amv editing drive
Future goals: (Editing, non-editing, whatevers)
better technical skills! meaning knowing what i'm actually doing some of the time! and to continue having fun while doing so! :D
i also hope to become more outgoing c:
in real life i hope to do like the opposite though. i want to become a librarian/archivist so i don't have to talk to people! woo!
also holy crap do i use a lot of emoticons

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by Changelling » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:12 am

PieandBeer wrote:Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc... (If you're not in a studio, say why :P)
not in one D: what do studios even do? i bully keiichiface into editing and make her beta my videos, does that count? are studios like gangs? do i have to kill someone to get initiated? what if i already have? does it still count?
Haha well if that's how you like to think about stuff xD You can see studios/Teams like a background, and the editor is the render placed on top. What they contribute the editor is depends on the studio itself, but trust me when I say it boosts the fun you get to experience from editing. Knowing that you have a team that supports you and that you should support back by flashing its name :) (or some other way, killing somebody might not be the most common way tho)

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by NS » Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:59 am

How you got into AMVs: I was playing Warcraft III and one of my clanmates linked me to "Set Aside the Pride" by dannypoo and claimed to have made it, as soon as I saw it I thought it was the coolest thing ever. So I scrounged for whatever DBZ clips I could try and come across (Yes, Lots of limewire of random episodes and "Best of" compilations.) I then made about 10 terrible terrrible DBZ videos that weren't even synced or anything.
How you came up with your screen name: I remember I was getting ready to make my youtube account for all of my amvs and I think I just remember thinking that I was a nerd and that the name should be something kinda weird or random so it would be more memorable, Hence NerdStrudel, eventually when I got to be a little older then 13 I decided that name was stupid, so now it's just NS.
How you discovered the Org: I was editing on Youtube, somebody showed me the org, and since I was at a nice ripe trolly terrible person age I came on here and started making a fool of myself.
Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc... (If you're not in a studio, say why :P)
Favorite genre to edit and why: Rap or Punk, I listen to both the most and they have so much energy.
Favorite newbie mistake you've made: (Give us a good cringe-worthy one!) If you look at my post history and go all the way back to the beginning, you'll see some pretty terrible stuff, other then that I made a lot of my starting out "I don't really know what I'm doing" videos using clips from other random AMVs. I used to come onto the org and purposely search for all of the shittiest videos I could find, because I knew that the sync wouldn't be that crazy and they probably wouldn't manipulate the footage in any other way, so If I used footage from it, nobody would know.... Luckily I didn't do this for very long, but still...
First contest experience: I entered The Sound into Acen, I didn't win but I heard it was received pretty well.
Best experience you've had thus far with the community: Hanging out with ExSphere on two seperate occasions, and knowing 10 or more other people online that I would hang out with in real life in a second.
Worst experience with the community:
Why you edit: (If you don't edit anymore, explain yo'self!) I edit because I love it. I'm currently actively seeking editing jobs; it's what I want to do with the rest of my life. I love piecing together the puzzle of an edit, and watching it all come together, and watching others watch it and feel the impact of the cuts I worked so hard on.
Future goals: (Editing, non-editing, whatevers) It's going to be a hard road, but I AM going to be somebody who works for a studio making amazing trailers or promotions... Idk, I just really want to be able to wake up every morning, do a bunch of editing, and call that my day.

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Re: Your Life Story

Post by lynit » Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:14 am

Blain, that was a cute read. Too cute. :cry:
<Stirspeare> Otohiko: You guys sure love dongs.


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