TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~ (5/14/11 - 5/15/11) (Philly, PA)

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D-chan ^_*
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:01 pm
Location: Upper Darby, PA, USA
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TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~ (5/14/11 - 5/15/11) (Philly, PA)

Post by D-chan ^_* » Sun May 01, 2011 9:26 pm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Forever, For Always, For YOU: TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~ Lights Up Philly On May 14th - 15th, 2011!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=50

Team TAKII PR Coalition
TAKII -- http://takii.pdnmz.com
TAKII: Paparazzi Press Room -- http://takii.pdnmz.com/interaction/papa ... -room.html
TAKII Forum -- http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4
press at takii.pdnmz.com

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as Asian Multimedia Entertainment Network (AMEN, a 24/7, Asian fan/otaku-centric online broadcasting & social network that quickly became its own PDNMZ Empire Entity) & "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

Returning to Philadelphia, PA's own The Rotunda, TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~takes place on May 14th - 15th, 2011 & promises to be the most extreme SeraMyu & Starlight-infused season to date. NO LONGER will you be wondering if you, too, could have been a member of the pop group Three Lights. GONE are the days of your celebrating your love for SailorMoon Musicials in solitude. FOREVER, FOR ALWAYS, FOR YOU, our mix of festival & guest performer "Debuts" & "Returns" will make that fateful May weekend one that you wish would never, eeeever end!
The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII), http://takii.pdnmz.com, the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival!

D-chan ^_*
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:01 pm
Location: Upper Darby, PA, USA
Org Profile

{{ PRESS RELEASE }} TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~ Only Days Away!!

Post by D-chan ^_* » Sun May 08, 2011 8:16 pm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- The Most Electrifying Festival In All Of Asian Culture Entertainment: TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~ Only Days Away!!
PRESS RELEASE FEATURES: #1 Contender's Pass Reminders, Hardcore Handbook FYIs, Team TAKII Announcements, & MORE!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=75

Team TAKII PR Coalition
TAKII -- http://takii.pdnmz.com
TAKII: Paparazzi Press Room -- http://takii.pdnmz.com/interaction/papa ... -room.html
TAKII Forum -- http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as Asian Multimedia Entertainment Network (AMEN, a 24/7, Asian fan/otaku-centric online broadcasting & social network that quickly became its own PDNMZ Empire Entity) & "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme"), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

Returning to Philadelphia, PA's own The Rotunda, TAKII 11 ~Stage On!~takes place on May 14th - 15th, 2011 & promises to be the most extreme SeraMyu & Starlight-infused season to date. NO LONGER will you be wondering if you, too, could have been a member of the pop group Three Lights. GONE are the days of your celebrating your love for SailorMoon Musicials in solitude. FOREVER, FOR ALWAYS, FOR YOU, our mix of festival & guest performer "Debuts" & "Returns" will make that fateful May weekend one that you wish would never, eeeever end!
The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII), http://takii.pdnmz.com, the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival!


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