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Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:52 am
by AikiNick
Code wrote:
AikiNick102 wrote:One way or another, is there actually a reason to be mad at Russians? I mean they did deserve this, didn't they?
I don't think people are pissed because Russians won, I think they're pissed because many of the awards were undeserved. But we feel this way EVERY year. It's not the Russians, it's the videos they made, and that we all had an idea of what videos deserved each award. I mean, it's like this way every year, people are just pulling the nationality card because it's easier. >__>
Well, I guess if you disagree with someones opinion it easier to say they their opinion is not objective, based one something. But still, watching this forum and I get a feeling that most disagree with the results. Although it's absurd, since result are the choice of most :mrgreen:

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:55 am
by Vlad G Pohnert
Indeed. I agree and I hope that people don't start to blame nationality into this.

It wasn't too long ago that the majority of videos that won were by North American Editors, but AMVs have become multi-national and as such has brought us closer together as a community all over the world! I talked to a lot of different and cool people out there who share a common passion about making AMVs and it never bothers me from where they are from and in fact I thing it's awesome! I’m actually looking forward in playing videos made from all over the world in my upcoming AMV rooms at cons!

I think the VCAs have thier place and again we may not all agree, but let’s not let stupid politics and blaming nationalities mess this all up.

Anyways, The VCAs gave me the opportunity to watch some cool videos I've never seen so it was definitely worth it! :up:


Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:57 am
by MimS
About Most Helpful:
Just my opinion, I don't deny that Aggressor must be deserved this for Russian community but hey! We, French, have our most helpful member too, South and North Americans must have it too, Italian guys too (Mirkosp again? *angel*).
So well, I think it's really stupid to say "he is helpful in his community"...
Or the one from the bigger (Russian one? *angel) will always win.
That's why I really think this award particularly is an org one, 'cause VCAs are organized by org people...
And look at Mirkosp's posts in there, more than 4000, a lot of them are done in order to help editors whereas Aggressor "only" gives his opinion on vids.
Anyway, as I told, it's just my opinion and it isn't really important.

Ho and:
I don't dislike Russian community.
Qwaqa is currently the best, Tana-sama uses wonderfuly instrumental music and Artofeel and Trampler are my current gods, I really respect Russian editors...
Just that I'm disappointed to see many non-deserved finalists and winners... not necessary Russians. How come hasn't Shinnie04 won best horror? ^^"

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:33 am
by cblpoera
hey, guys.. Chillout (c. qwaqa) :D

Aggressor is the most helpful member. It's absolutely right! AMVSimple is great soft for creating. On .org I must download 60Mb for one AMV. Just use amvsimple, say thants to aggressor..

As for Qwaqa!! Yeah!! It cool!! He won 9 nominations! I'm really glad. Tnx .org members for voting.
In Russia he didn't won anything.
Time on Big Contest - 5th place
Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady on Alt. opening - only 2nd
Chillout on Akross Con - only 4th

Yes! I vote for qwaqa. But I can say that most russian famous editors vote for narutomaniac. So it's only your choise, that qwaqa wins.
About the most improved editor. I agree with results. I vote for qwaqa becouse before "Time" he made this (

So, I'm from Russia, and as for me, I can say that I vote only for AMV, not for country!

For example.. in dance and fun I vote for Nikolakis (I think it's very hard and awesome work)

And in horror! WTF?? If you think that "This is halloween" is horror, I have nothing to say.. no-effect it's ok, but horror? It's lol.. I vote for Shinnie04..

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:30 am
by godix
AikiNick102 wrote:Well, seems to me there's a lot of hostility here. Or am I wrong? One way or another, is there actually a reason to be mad at Russians?
There's a perception among some org users that the Russian community raids the org to vote for Russians in the VCAS, but that they don't like the org and consider themselves better than us. Last year there were some comments made specifically along these lines. So it isn't quite that people are angry at Russians, but that they get pissy that people who refuse to be part of the org are screwing with our contest. Aggressor winning Most Helpful for stuff he's done in the Russian community when he isn't all that helpful here on the org doesn't help the perception any.

Then there's the issue of 'wrong' wins. Qwaqa deserved several awards, but he's continuing a trend of turned 'Most Improved' into meaning 'Didn't improve even a little bit because he was already good'. Which isn't his, or the Russians in general, fault. But still it is stupid and Russians happen to be a convenient target right now.

Personally, I see a fair amount of Russian activity on the org these days. A lot more than there used to be at least. So I don't agree that they're zergrushing us at VCA time. Considering the language barrier, they're a lot more active on the org than would be expected.

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:32 am
by Le0
Congrats to all the winners.
~MimS~ wrote: So well, I think it's really stupid to say "he is helpful in his community"...
Or the one from the bigger (Russian one? *angel) will always win.
"Helpful in bigger community" as in "helpful to more people" as in "most helpful", amirite?

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:47 am
by Nya-chan Production
Glad to see some good drama, finally :<

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:48 am
by godix
I already mentioned I don't really think the Russian communities zergrushed the VCAs, but it is interesting to note how many Russians are posting in this topic who have never had anything to do with the org before...

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:49 am
by Kitsuner
AikiNick102 wrote:I was very much satisfied with the results this year. Qwaqa finally got what he deserved. On the background of AKROSS and Alt Opening contests, VCA seemed to me as the only fair one. Well, those are the problems inside the Russian community, so there's no reason to mention it here...
Oh, qwaqa'll get what he deserves all right... :evil:

Re: 2010 VCAs - General Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:52 am
by mirkosp
Le0 wrote:
~MimS~ wrote: So well, I think it's really stupid to say "he is helpful in his community"...
Or the one from the bigger (Russian one? *angel) will always win.
"Helpful in bigger community" as in "helpful to more people" as in "most helpful", amirite?
Technically speaking, checking numbers on amvnews, the russian community has about 27k users. Org has about 812k users, so org is the bigger community out of the two. Hence, if that is your definition of most helpful, then you should have voted for someone helpful on the org. Or perhaps someone helpful on YouTube, which is an even bigger community. I know DaikashiSan helps a lot of people with encoding over there, and he was another person I personally felt like could have deserved being at least a finalist.
That said, I personally don't think "most helpful" is in any way related to the dimension of the community. Just because a community is bigger it doesn't mean you're being more helpful to it than another person is being in a smaller community. It's not how many people you can help, but how much you help them. On that account I got nothing against Aggressor, since afaik he is actually helpful within the community, and also wrote the encoding GUI. They are fair points to consider when deciding over who to vote for. But voting him and not someone else due to the dimension of the community they're in is a pretty moot way to decide over it. Although, you might have just been sarcastic over there. :P