1:1 op exchange

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1:1 op exchange

Post by Sweetnez » Sat Jun 07, 2003 11:56 am

I need some opinions on my new video. It isn't an AMV but I hope you all will still give it a chance...

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=18273

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Post by Sweetnez » Sat Jun 07, 2003 12:00 pm

I forgot to say that this video has huge spoilers for an upcoming movie to the U.S.

The movie is a Chinese Kung Fu movie that did extremely well in China that they are planning to release it in the U.S. later this year. My video may spoil it. The movie is called Hero, btw...

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Sun Jun 08, 2003 9:54 pm

Sure I'll do an exchange with you. I have a video you can review it is called Shrine of the Goddess 2 (Slayerwolf's Challenge). If you are interested in watching the first version I'll have a link for that one so you can see the short version as well.

Here are the links.

Shrine of the Goddess 2

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=18385

Shrine of the Goddess (short version) (don't have to rate if you don't want to) (if you have another video let me know so you can rate this one as well)


Thanks and enjoy the videos. I hope to hear from you.


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