The-no-excuse-for-not-joining-MEP - PHASE 3: Released!

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Re: The-no-excuse-for-not-joining-MEP - PHASE 3: Released!

Post by Squancho » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:09 pm

NS wrote:My segment was the best. That dude falling after being shot by the segment before it? pure genius. I truly am the greater amv editor there ever was.
You gave me an idea for the next NE MEP. Each segment of video has to be a reaction or continuation of the action from the segment before it. It doesn't necessarily have to be a literally "correct" follow-up (like a guy shoots a gun in seg.1 and a massive explosion happens in seg.2, then you see zombies in seg.3, then a Michael Jackson clip, etc etc etc). It would be interesting to see what story develops, never mind how distant the beginning becomes in relation to the final clip...
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