Bond Theme MEP

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Bond Theme MEP

Post by blah13 » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:38 am

Hi, I'm the AMV coordinator for AICon in Tasmania, Australia. This year our convention's theme is Secret Agent and we are looking for editors to participate in a MEP using the opening songs from all the Bond movies. The final creation will be screened at the convention in March 2014

There are 22 tracks to choose from starting with "From Russia with Love" through to "Skyfall", they can be used more then once each, only limit will be if we end up with too many of one song I'll have to call it off limits. The AMV's don't need to be about secret agents, just have to use the Bond songs, the rest is up to you, but they do need to be kept M15+ or lower.

Also anyone looking for something shorter to make can use the original bond theme using at most 1 minutes worth of the song and whatever footage you want to create the breaks between the main songs.

If anyone is interested, please let me know. Project opens now, and will close first day of February/when I've got enough videos to make about an hours worth of video.


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