Death Note

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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:48 am

Psygnius wrote:Refering to angelx03's last post: I haven't seen that far into the TV series, but I've read all of the manga.
Spoilerish speculation
If so, then I think the author has a very bad idea of what autism is like. Idiot savants aren't intellectually superior - they memorize things, may be good with computers and stationary systems - they can't handle changing systems and rapid thought about possibilities and choice. No plotting, no problem solving, none of the rapid fire far-out ideas L and Near come up with. They'd also have trouble speaking. L had a lot of quirks, but he delivered his lines just as fast and with complex grammar as Raito ever did. Even the mildest cases of autism (in people I've met IRL) come with speach problems. They're slow. Even the ones who can do the human calculator trick have trouble actually delivering the number - there's a delay between the thought happening and finding the words to communicate it to others. That's one of the reasons fake movies like Rain Man have the autistic savants repeat themselves a lot - they have to deliver lines and react fast because it's a movie, so they pretend the characters can react faster if they use phrases already on the tip of their tongue.

Nah. I don't think there's a mental deficiency in any of the L line. I think they've just been isolated from normal society and encouraged to act on any eccentric impulses they get - as long as it stimulates their already rapid thought process. The 'school' really pounded that idea into me. They pick them up as children, orphans you can bet, raise them as wierdos, and make them so alienated from "normal" people that they'll never even regret hiding themselves from the world - because they were raised to be happier that way. Then again, I don't like the Near/Mello part of the manga because the L-clones were way too contrived and obvious replacements. I think the author went out on a limb by making a whole school of people as strange as L - like being an eccentric genius means they all have the exact same habits (sweets, insomnia, sitting position, etc). There's more chance of Near being like L because he idolized and mimicked him, than of them both suffering from the same brain defect that made them geniuses with quirky behavior.

I think L's reaction to that bit in the manga was an exageration on his part because he had an audience at the time. [At least I *think* he did...I remember Raito being there for most of the Kira2 to Kira1 tape messeges arc...] He reacted like a little kid being told Santa is real. No one as naive as that could ever remain suspicious of Raito as long as L does. He's always playing his actions and dialogue to get the biggest reaction out of Raito (or whoever he's "playing to" at the time). You can't take anything he does on face value.
I haven't watched many episodes of the anime so far, but it sounds a lot like the manga. Anyone else have trouble relating to the main characters? They're not human at all. Humans make mistakes. With these guys, even when they finally make a mistake they've already thought of a triple redundancy plan to handle it. Or they make up one on the spot. Geniuses can do that in Go (or Chess), but not in a game with human pieces that each have their own life and quirks that don't go according to plan. The entire story is too contrived and perfect, led by characters more perfect than the worst Mary Sue you ever read.

So why is this story so addictive? It's annoying. I'll watch the anime and gripe about the perfectness in every plot device, and then rush to watch the next episode. That's just wrong. >.<

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Post by angelx03 » Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:49 am

Ari, I think you might like Code Geass a lot better. Not only the main character has a logical sense and have a similar goal like Light, but he actually has good intentions (helping his sick sister for instance). He can make mistakes as a few episodes shown will nearly cost him dearly.

Of course, that's if you like mecha series and CLAMP's original character designs? :wink:

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Post by Bakadeshi » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:44 pm

angelx03 wrote:Ari, I think you might like Code Geass a lot better. Not only the main character has a logical sense and have a similar goal like Light, but he actually has good intentions (helping his sick sister for instance). He can make mistakes as a few episodes shown will nearly cost him dearly.

Of course, that's if you like mecha series and CLAMP's original character designs? :wink:
haha yea, even with his geniousness, if it wasn;t for C.C's butting in a few times, we'd have no more series to watch at this point :lol:

Still something about deathnote still has you wanting more.... And I don't mean just the overly dramatic potato chip eating either :lol:

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Post by Psygnius » Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:36 am

Future Characters and Autism Discussion wrote:Arigatomina, well, another autistic mannerism is a disassociation in other people or society. Although I agree that this isn't really prominent in L, it's pretty obvious with Near. Even in the first introduction of Near, you notice that he doesn't want to play with everyone else in the school outside. Mello doesn't show any of the same signs as L or Near, even though he went to the same prodigy school as him, Mello actually played with the other kids. So I don't think everyone in the school portrayed the same mannerisms, only those two, L and Near. Throughout the rest of the story, you'll notice that noone ever comes within 2 or 3 feet of Near at all.

More or less, I think your experience is with Kanner's Syndrome of Autism, Near and L portray more closely to Asperger's Syndrome (where their language skills may still not be stunted, they'll have strange repetitive interests in unique behaviors, impaired social interaction, and can have higher cognitive development).

Also, you have to consider that this is a JAPANESE story. One thing that I've learned during my short time in Japan, is that it's very rude to be direct about things such as this. So in their culture, describing things such as autism is much more hinted at instead of making it blatantly obvious.
But I do agree with you, Arigato, about how unrealistic the characters are with their plotting and chess strategies throughout the entire series. Nothing can be planned that perfectly and have everything fall into place even with "backup" plans.

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Post by Otohiko » Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:56 am

I don't know, so far I'm liking the whole 'Nietzschean' streak to these characters. I personally find myself engaged quite well with that whole aspect, though yea, they ARE a bit perfect. To be honest it's the plot (and thusly the schemes) rather than the characters that sometimes irks me.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Post by Fullmetal Hottie » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:42 pm

they can seem pretty perfect, but Light can use the deathnote to control people before death for some of his won't explain all the obscure plans working, but it does come in occasionally.
as for Near and Mello......I don't think they're related to L, just raised to one day take his place. and their mannerisms are pretty different, but after a while, the weirdness blends together
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Post by OmniStrata » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:54 pm

I think the problem some of you people have with this series is that you WANT it to be human and 'realistic'

wtf would you want anime to be realistic anyway?


If it was like the manga, we'd all be asleep by now... [if they didn't epic-size those moments, it'd be a big snorefest I can guarantee it with a majority audience]

Is it predictable? Of course it is, but we're supposed to be thinking:

"Shit, these guys are too damn perfect..."

And from what I can tell, its working and the best part, you're all being suckered in to watch more...

I'm just doing this Gai Daigoji Nadesico style:

"Enjoying it for what it is..." 8-)
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Post by Fullmetal Hottie » Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:15 pm

yup! enjoy enjoy......I don't have access to the anime, though, so I entertain myself by figuring out where the anime is.

some parts are an "if you say so" though.
whats kainda funny is that Ed's 5'6", and he's taller than me. ............and he's called short..............*sigh*

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Post by Kadaj » Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:55 am

OmniStrata has it right; best part of the anime is the really surreal nature of the scenario, AND of L and Light's intelligence.

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Post by Fullmetal Hottie » Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:30 am

yeah. It seems the anime makes it more dramatic, while the manga doesn't have to since the plot is so good.

so while Light is dramaticly eating potato chips in the anime, the manga only has him sitting there, without dramatic frills :D
whats kainda funny is that Ed's 5'6", and he's taller than me. ............and he's called short..............*sigh*

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