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Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:01 pm
by mexicanjunior
If you wanna know the secret to getting votes in the VCA's, its....

Windows Movie Maker and Lyric Synch!!! OMG DEW IT!!! :O

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:02 pm
by Koopiskeva
/me dews |:

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:16 pm
by SSJVegita0609
This topic is getting outta hand. Who gives a flying fuck about shameless self promotion anyways?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:20 pm
by Kai Stromler
SSJVegita0609 wrote:Who gives a flying fuck about shameless self promotion anyways?
obviously 9 pages of people do.

if an ego falls in a forum, and nobody is around to read it, will it post again?
or, more applicably,
if an ego falls on a bunch of forum posters, will they ever STOP replying?
(short of a topic close, anyway)


Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:28 pm
by Vazor
Ashton wrote:If I hadn't made this thread, next to NO ONE would be considering voting for me. Nobody would even have noticed me on the ballot. Now at least I'm being scorned! To me that's much better than being ignored.
You do realize that the fact that you've been nominated means a substantial amount of people (myself included) believe that you deserve this award. I've got to admit that this thread and your recent journal entry confuse me quite a bit. Whenever I'd seen you on the forums prior to this you were always very mature and helpful, but recently you've been a bit on the whiny and immature side. I can truthfully say I understand where you're coming from wanting recognition for your work, I myself am a very competitive person (this is one of the reasons I have yet to release a video) and I hate to say it, but my drive to win recognition is one of the main reasons I started editing in the first place (not to say it's the only reason, but it's there). My only advice is to calm down a bit and look at your posts a little more closely and realize exactly how you're coming across. Anyway, I just wanted to say that you have at least one vote for best new editor (and it is because I feel that you deserve it). Thanks for making AMV's and I hope you continue to do so.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:52 pm
by Castor Troy
Sanity GONE! :lol: :lol: :lol: :o :twisted:

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:58 pm
by jonmartensen
I think we are nearing the end of the usefull discussion in this thread, and starting to re-hash rather than delve deeper into why, who-does-what. Perhaps ending this discussion and having Ashton just put one new thread that says "Hey check out my vids that were nominated," would be prudent.

/two cents :?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:00 pm
by BishounenStalker
I mostly agree with Vazor about the maturity-turned-whininess and confusing journal entry. It doesn't so much confuse me as make me feel like the boy has learned NOTHING from all this. His wanting to rip other videos apart out of jealousy just because people voted for them and not his tells me he learned not a damn thing about good sportsmanship, which is all about character. If you're going to be a poor sport, wear flame-retardant clothing.

P.S. -- Ashton, we KNOW you're on the ballot. We're not frelling blind. Your name is up there in pretty blue letters on the Nominations page. If you wanted to promote yourself anyway, a simple "Please vote me for Best New Creator" would've been more than sufficient. By whining and begging, I hate to tell you that you've driven the last nail into your award's rotting coffin.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:12 pm
by Castor Troy
All this just for a sentece of internet text. :?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:53 pm
by Ashton
Rozard wrote:Hehehe, I can't wait to meet you at MegaCon, Rachel :) The reason I made that comment is because that's what my belief towards trophies is. When I was in high school, our Marching Band had a whole bunch of trophies and awards. Along with other things in the band room (instruments, sheet music, music stands, etc.) we need to clear out space. The band director, without thinking, started to throw away a lot of the trophies and plaques. The students were in outrage! "Why are you throwing away all the rewards?!" His answer was that the important thing was that we had what it took to win the awards. That was the accomplishment, not the actual trophey. He told us that, if we wanted trophies, he'd go to the local tropey store and buy us each trophies. The point he was trying to make (and many didn't get) was that the award was essentially meaningless.

Also, from your earlier posts, I said something similar to that quote, I beleive. What you actually quoted sounds more like something Vlad would say. In regards to your take on my confusing post, you're pretty much right. It was late at night, and I couldn't compose my thoughts that well. I think what I was trying to say was the VCAs are essentially meaningless. They have no application in real life. What does apply to real life is the connections you make with people and the friends you could make if you would actually try. I've made a lot of great friends through this forum with whom I hold more conversation with on a daily basis that I do my own brother that lives 15 feet away from me. If you want people to vote for you, you should talk with people and make friends. You will get a backing that way, and some people that will help you. And when I mean help, I don't mean vote for you on an internet poll, I mean give suggestions for your videos, honestly critique them, defend you when shit goes down, call you on your birthday, etc.

The people on this board are very important. The videos made here are important, but not as important. The awards given to the videos mean next to nothing.
Good call man. I agree 100%
The only problem with that whole trophy analogy is that I would have to be WORTHY of the awards in the first place even to be able to throw them away, but I understand your point.