Stolen AMV story

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Stolen AMV story

Post by Katsumi_AMVs » Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:06 am

Hi all ! Haven't posted in the forums for a LOOOONG time .
I'm here today because I found something frustrating in Y0uTube , I found my own video uploaded in there buy someone who says that he made the vid .
He deleted just the end credits to people don't know who actually made the vid .
He hasn't changed anything in my vid , just the end credits .

The link for "his" video (change the boochsack for y0utube,I don't know why the forum don't let me write the link properly):

The link for my vid uploaded here at the org

For some reason , I can't post messages in Y0uTube , I think it is some kind of bug in my comp so , if you think that isn't fair , please feel free to post any message in there .

Thank you for you attention . :D

[MOD17: We have no control over the content on Youtube. Here's a possibly useful link.]
Nothing usefull here .

Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:08 pm
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Post by Pas » Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:10 am

I forgot why, but most people will just tell you to brush it off.

Or something... I forgot.


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