HELP finding a lost AMV!

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HELP finding a lost AMV!

Post by SoroxasHeart » Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:26 pm

It's kind of an old video (little over ten years). It's I Zombie-(FFVII)

The opening part is Aerith praying at the forgotten city with Sephiroth falling from above, then the scream is right when he stabs her.

The last place I've been able to find it is here:
But it's an old list with no contact information on it. So there's no way to get in contact with the person who owns the list.

Any clues are help would be greatly appreciated!

Subtle Anagram
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:13 pm
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Re: HELP finding a lost AMV!

Post by Subtle Anagram » Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:13 pm

Hey! I had to go to the backup of their mainpage, which directed me to a now-defunct AOL homepage, which had this email address on it:

Now, as it turns out, they may no longer use that email address--it was posted in 2011 as part of a dump of cleartext email/password combos (along with 67,000 others) by lulzsec. Also, it's long and stupid? Hopefully they're using something less complex now? Something another human being could easily understand if it was given to them verbally, without needing to have it written down or spelled out in radio code? Try it anyway.

I'm punchy because I'm still psyched that I was finally able to get Lostboy's Let It Run yesterday. It wasn't in's snapshot of the lowprio server that's served as its defunct link for nearly 8 years, but it WAS in a version of Lostboy's defunct website! I hadn't even noticed the link in his profile until yesterday! Yay!


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