better then wmm2

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Post by sagarajack » Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:01 pm

Most professional apps require massive PC resource. And most people here never even touch some of the advance functions of those apps. So, use something simple and does the job.
Since many people said my video has too many FX, I believe FX does not fit this culture, just make sure you can move the clips around freely and output in HQ.
KonoE Studio, I will not give good ops because you put in effort. Quality in terms of artistic touch is what I look for.

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Post by Gepetto » Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:01 am

sagarajack wrote:Most professional apps require massive PC resources. And most people here never even touch some of the advanced functions of those apps. So, use something simple that does the job.
Since many people said my video has too many FX, I believe FX do not fit this culture. Just make sure you can move the clips around freely and output in HQ.
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Post by adv3nt » Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:52 pm

Sony Vegas Video


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