Nowhere else to put this, need someone with the same DVD

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The Wired Knight
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Nowhere else to put this, need someone with the same DVD

Post by The Wired Knight » Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:52 am

I'm currently working on a video using hte NBC Series Heroes but I ran into a snag. Episode 9 on my discs (the episode at Claire's high school with the confront with Sylar) has a sector error. While this does not prevent the DVD from being viewed, it can't be ripped. Trouble is that I need that episode to work on my video and I've got the other 22 working fine. Is there anybody that could rip the VOB of that episode for me so I can get to work again? The sooner I can get this episode the better as it's put a halt to my work. If anybody can help out on the matter please contact me; not sure who here owns Heroes so that's the difficulty. Thanks in advance.

Intellectual Property, Real Estate & Probate Attorney.


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